Certified Mildew & Mold Testing

Call now for testing rates in your area!

Testing KitIn some cases, once a free visual mold inspection is performed, our technicians will then need to do mold testing. We get air and surface tests in a certified lab to identify types of mold and categorize their toxicity level.

It is crucial to test the mold, even if you are just a little suspicious, because:

  • Most people spend 60 to 90% of their time indoors.
  • 50% of all illnesses are caused by or aggravated by polluted indoor air.
  • The levels of some hazardous pollutants in indoor air have been found to be up to 70 times greater than in outdoor air.
  • More than 50 million Americans suffer from mold allergies.

We do two types of testing: Air Quality Testing and Surface Swab Samples. When it is necessary to perform mold testing (e.g. health issues arise, legal purposes), then it is advisable to take at least one surface swab sample and two air samples.

We usually do surface swab samples in addition to air quality testing because, in some situations, mold might be growing on a surface, but it has not reached a point where it is releasing a high enough volume of spores to cause a problem. In this case, air sampling results might not accurately portray the extent of mold growth.

100% Pass clearanceOn the other hand, sometimes a random surface swab sampling alone does not produce the most accurate results. For example, technicians could happen to swab an area where there happened to not be any mold growth. A surface swab test would come up negative for growth in this case, while the reality might be that there are still mold spores in the air.

911 Restoration gives you the benefit of FREE visual mold inspection before you commit to testing.

Once our professional inspector determines it is required, we will send samples to an independent testing and consulting laboratory to investigate indoor air quality problems and detect allergens and toxicity levels on your property.

Call now if you suspect indoor air quality issues.

We will visually inspect, test, and remediate the problem with a 100% guarantee.